Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 18-Sep-2024 08:14:27 AM 
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R2.2.2 Projected Persondays and Persondays Generated for Fin :

S.No Districts Projected Persondays and Persondays Generated
Upto April Upto May Upto June Upto July Upto August Upto September Upto October Upto November Upto December Upto January Upto February Upto March
Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated Projected Persondays Persondays Generated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 ALMORA 70588 195749 168623 319365 275638 415800 382706 531036 505891 645921 620400 757677 733855 849618 862452 929093 988516 1054880 1097613 1176752 1202261 1288719 1308042 1351732
2 BAGESHWAR 53444 121106 112796 207060 175654 273793 238866 341106 301038 391079 363781 445397 429116 501748 489990 557051 551931 622284 611241 691227 668287 754222 727001 810384
3 CHAMOLI 111991 161608 225266 286556 352390 370225 557888 471340 713363 599955 878519 741337 1021597 902765 1176168 1096164 1472128 1409182 1621170 1850547 1777491 2229589 1938038 2514218
4 CHAMPAWAT 27685 143759 76920 235231 128548 328610 181287 385492 231127 458192 281872 521974 339448 595240 400677 655543 467461 734419 515689 817953 560861 872336 607982 916478
5 DEHRADUN 79995 199883 190596 400926 307265 586983 425085 732679 553862 852759 673243 982463 777252 1080398 1007344 1162347 1146217 1243667 1268101 1309990 1388898 1384352 1510958 1453018
6 HARIDWAR 48413 96327 98590 191082 208724 290738 274580 382480 337997 455910 402998 525291 494574 634326 615018 780913 710178 942583 802396 1076402 889263 1207319 978970 1309714
7 NAINITAL 45500 138383 114808 234873 210159 337159 306495 417045 383740 503931 456744 569093 520810 666591 590732 741144 664545 806585 730250 899571 794187 1006120 863980 1079959
8 PAURI GARHWAL 77369 146737 194652 290444 358847 439250 529780 623892 711594 808152 898809 951424 1094534 1113514 1346691 1263052 1525820 1508389 1694694 1789243 1856036 1973200 2028008 2122478
9 PITHORAGARH 68400 207989 196200 386211 360395 547702 507608 687870 656616 842300 826653 999517 987750 1152761 1161365 1240321 1325897 1377906 1466154 1590952 1597616 1778849 1738023 1932790
10 RUDRA PRAYAG 71697 154217 176875 248814 275099 349537 377194 453371 476034 541575 572550 617971 664811 719959 769305 817680 861408 920683 947147 1039040 1027377 1122414 1109054 1179173
11 TEHRI GARHWAL 209617 150115 530362 486300 850454 800371 1045500 1001322 1275620 1169546 1499498 1322038 1698012 1515415 1875718 1738257 2095863 2056631 2389315 2466327 2717099 2874766 3081971 3288227
12 UDAM SINGH NAGAR 75979 94832 166348 283259 263721 472246 355491 592558 447756 657640 552858 732384 655604 842792 776799 921237 897837 1005510 995766 1069264 1087448 1160338 1169966 1210838
13 UTTAR KASHI 302116 213165 612758 538253 925900 806209 1241220 1014758 1517062 1193679 1767775 1369408 2058060 1589867 2318545 1785579 2531003 2047207 2706367 2421406 2817079 2820267 2938007 2976439
Total 1242794 2023870 2864794 4108374 4692794 6018623 6423700 7634949 8111700 9120639 9795700 10535974 11475423 12164994 13390804 13688381 15238804 15729926 16845903 18198674 18383903 20472491 20000000 22145448

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