Work : Raising of 8X12 Seedlings in Vatekadu Nursery |
Work Code : 1518001/DP/93393042892302311 |
Bill No. : 50 | Bill Date : 12/10/2021 |
Financial Year : 2021-2022 | Vendor nameHARIJANA RAMANNA(TinNo-29BCRPR2977P1Z7) |
Material List No. : 1518001-ML-1134 |
Material | Unit Price (In Rupees) | Quantity | Amount (In Rupees) |
Cost of 4X6 size Pbs for trans | 80000 | 1 | 80000 |
Dibbling of seeds in polythene | 600 | 1 | 600 |
Mixing and filling the ingredi | 31100 | 1 | 31100 |
| 1415 | 1 | 1415 |
Purchase of ingredients | 36871 | 1 | 36871 |
Transplanting of seedlings rai | 1470 | 1 | 1470 |
Total (In Rupees) | 151456 |
Taxes |
Total (In Rupees) | 0 |
Total Cash payment (In Rupees) | 151456 | |