Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 13-Jan-2025 10:05:56 PM 
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Jobcard Deletion Detail Report for Financial Year :2019-2020

S No Reg No. Name of the head of the HH Caste Reason For Deletion Date Of Deletion
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 MH-30-007-306-004/36 फुल्लीय्या मगत्या राठोड OTH Not willing to work 27/06/2019
2 MH-30-007-306-004/508 विजयालक्ष्मी सुरेंद्र तावाडे SC Incorrect Job Card 18/06/2019
3 MH-30-007-306-008/1 गुरुदेव रामदास उईके ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
4 MH-30-007-306-008/10 लक्ष्मण पोट्टी गेडाम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
5 MH-30-007-306-008/13 वानोशा विस्तारी मडावी ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
6 MH-30-007-306-008/16 हबीब खॉ अमिर खॉ पठाण OTH Not willing to work 01/07/2019
7 MH-30-007-306-008/20 वसंत बाजीराव कुसरम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
8 MH-30-007-306-008/27 देवाजी सिडाम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
9 MH-30-007-306-008/28 आकुबाई अर्जुन आत्राम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
10 MH-30-007-306-008/30 रामबाई रामा मडावी ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
11 MH-30-007-306-008/33 रुक्मा राजु आलाम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
12 MH-30-007-306-008/43 रत्नाबाई भिमा आत्राम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
13 MH-30-007-306-008/44 सावित्राबाई कारेबाबा आत्राम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
14 MH-30-007-306-008/46 सावित्राबाई तुकाराम तोर्रेम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
15 MH-30-007-306-008/47 पोत्तराजु चेत्ता आलाम ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
16 MH-30-007-306-008/54 साईनाथ बिचु मडावी ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019
17 MH-30-007-306-008/60 महेमुद खॉ रमजान खॉ पठाण OTH Not willing to work 01/07/2019
18 MH-30-007-306-008/72 मनोहर शंकर चप्पिडी ST Not willing to work 01/07/2019

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