Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 16-Feb-2025 11:58:21 PM 
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State :UTTARAKHAND District :PAURI GARHWAL Block :Pauri Panchayat :Bichali Rewadi

Jobcard Deletion Detail Report for Financial Year :2018-2019

S No Reg No. Name of the head of the HH Caste Reason For Deletion Date Of Deletion
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 UT-05-003-018-003/126 नीलम देवी OTH Village becomes urban 10/09/2018
2 UT-05-003-018-003/81 सोबन सिंह रावत OTH Non-existent in Panchayat 20/12/2018
3 UT-05-003-018-004/21 सुरेन्‍द्र सिंह Non-existent in Panchayat 20/12/2018

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