Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 16-Oct-2024 04:08:58 AM 
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R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2019-2020

S.No Block No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Total Persondays Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 Areacode 32917 53687 143 315 1409 2024 4660 440 27772 32872 10515 11864 10514 11864 8893 9808 448320 448320 0 1826 0 18
2 Kalikavu 27348 41811 103 254 1495 1961 3271 636 23439 27346 10741 11889 10741 11889 9056 9854 383064 383064 0 779 0 15
3 Kondotty 31365 58582 70 576 913 1664 4585 14 26763 31362 10968 12337 10967 12335 8813 9680 508293 508293 0 2429 0 19
4 Kuttipuram 18838 23769 265 368 1195 1478 2727 3 16061 18791 5154 5587 5154 5587 4402 4722 238188 238188 0 1010 0 25
5 Malappuram 15129 28141 282 542 554 702 2417 3 12702 15122 4180 4607 4180 4607 3591 3887 180822 180822 0 809 0 6
6 Mankada 18876 25224 85 332 980 1230 2441 7 16418 18866 4622 5053 4622 5053 3651 3930 203012 203012 0 1035 0 18
7 Nilambur 31592 56930 143 301 1153 2149 1835 2148 27560 31543 13502 16436 13500 16433 11965 13947 641178 641178 0 1884 0 29
8 Perinthalmanna 25422 30631 63 112 1410 1785 5470 54 19896 25420 7308 7992 7306 7990 6017 6467 350837 350837 0 1502 0 4
9 Perumpadappu 14166 17034 41 85 579 818 1931 0 12217 14148 4180 4615 4180 4613 4014 4398 279178 279178 0 1251 0 18
10 Ponnani 16121 21352 74 123 667 863 3359 2 12760 16121 4482 4907 4483 4908 3962 4305 245310 245310 0 1301 0 14
11 Thanur 13098 17652 7 14 657 958 1283 0 11796 13079 3965 4629 3964 4628 3354 3853 207943 207943 0 1127 0 10
12 Thirur 22080 40544 211 566 904 1440 2927 0 19090 22017 6561 7612 6561 7612 5575 6461 354294 354294 0 1588 0 11
13 Thirurangadi 18612 32046 31 69 566 905 2679 0 15898 18577 3866 4334 3866 4334 3312 3649 227129 227129 0 1266 0 7
14 Vengara 17703 33558 30 125 450 701 2560 10 15132 17702 2801 3141 2801 3141 2336 2569 148676 148676 0 893 0 14
15 Wandoor 28233 41967 82 192 1235 1951 4631 340 23199 28170 9545 10665 9545 10665 8203 8990 476716 476716 0 2021 0 5
Total 331500 522928 1630 3974 14167 20629 46776 3657 280703 331136 102390 115668 102384 115659 87144 96520 4892960 4892960 0 20721 0 213

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