Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 08-Feb-2025 11:29:45 AM 
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R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2019-2020

State : KERALADistrict :THRISSUR
S.No Block No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Total Persondays Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 Anthikkad 18108 21884 85 128 975 1322 4162 1 13945 18108 6497 7183 6497 7183 5421 6025 339017 339017 0 1772 0 2
2 Chalakudy 19528 24718 57 106 554 905 3677 711 15140 19528 6062 7057 6062 7057 5400 6190 304751 304751 0 1083 0 12
3 Chavakkad 13540 16363 70 163 346 626 2725 0 10815 13540 4374 4975 4371 4969 4018 4523 266983 266983 0 1052 0 7
4 Cherpu 10576 12649 26 36 385 629 2982 0 7594 10576 3158 3647 3158 3647 2824 3231 198357 198357 0 1015 0 1
5 Chowannur 22270 25428 669 1088 833 1028 5571 0 16699 22270 6082 6509 6082 6509 5481 5829 390714 390714 0 2156 0 4
6 Irinjalakuda 10745 13219 30 43 354 527 3246 1 7497 10744 2981 3333 2981 3333 2612 2893 136383 136383 0 468 0 0
7 Kodakara 26048 32656 148 228 1124 1604 4368 335 21344 26047 9637 10855 9637 10855 8616 9592 429939 429939 0 1639 0 3
8 Mala 17476 20307 29 46 365 576 3648 2 13826 17476 4401 4806 4401 4806 4048 4405 260711 260711 0 1125 0 8
9 Mathilakam 29893 35953 99 155 859 1146 4754 3 25136 29893 10228 11210 10228 11210 9168 10063 472692 472692 0 917 0 4
10 Mullassery 10852 12662 16 31 418 525 3111 0 7741 10852 3159 3431 3159 3431 2922 3153 187289 187289 0 870 0 3
11 Ollukkara 17848 23553 78 130 538 821 2983 479 14386 17848 5253 6180 5253 6180 4779 5484 322122 322122 0 1506 0 11
12 Pazhayannur 27205 32781 366 559 1443 1984 6504 91 20610 27205 14795 16154 14794 16152 13528 14693 862301 862301 0 3559 0 27
13 Puzhakkal 13692 16626 28 50 434 581 3447 1 10244 13692 4060 4496 4059 4495 3427 3711 214495 214495 0 1292 0 4
14 Thalikulam 17983 20858 95 122 532 700 5238 10 12735 17983 4302 4640 4301 4638 3984 4250 327633 327633 0 1925 0 9
15 Vellangallur 12892 15357 37 53 289 463 4185 21 8685 12891 3016 3359 3016 3359 2794 3087 169623 169623 0 604 0 5
16 Wadakkanchery 18526 22904 72 104 516 784 3631 17 14878 18526 7915 8749 7916 8750 6989 7568 399916 399916 0 1711 0 2
Total 287182 347918 1905 3042 9965 14221 64232 1672 221275 287179 95920 106584 95915 106574 86011 94697 5282926 5282926 0 22694 0 102

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