Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 19-Jan-2025 12:04:31 PM 
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R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2018-2019

S.No Block No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Total Persondays Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 Augustyamuni 21663 34192 247 591 376 1043 4263 0 17243 21506 10539 13596 10538 13596 10033 12769 499103 499103 0 836 28 16
2 Jakholi 16840 24782 107 242 894 1224 2193 0 14189 16382 8553 11374 8554 11375 7880 10235 398581 398581 0 829 313 9
3 Ukhimath 9989 21729 26 151 169 862 1411 7 8392 9810 5409 9167 5409 9167 5088 8303 281489 281489 0 782 225 25
Total 48492 80703 380 984 1439 3129 7867 7 39824 47698 24501 34137 24501 34138 23001 31307 1179173 1179173 0 2447 566 50

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