Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 10-Feb-2025 06:09:16 AM 
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R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2019-2020

S.No District No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Total Persondays Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 NICOBARS 5724 9330 0 0 17 26 4 3994 1725 5723 40 41 40 41 40 41 858 858 0 0 0 0
2 NORTH AND MIDDLE ANDAMAN 18454 30017 1356 2619 314 656 0 0 18208 18208 4868 6122 4868 6122 4100 5045 177265 177265 0 322 0 10
3 SOUTH ANDAMAN 9530 13117 574 775 187 313 0 0 9501 9501 1984 2183 1976 2166 1702 1838 42494 42494 0 3 0 9
Total 33708 52464 1930 3394 518 995 4 3994 29434 33432 6892 8346 6884 8329 5842 6924 220617 220617 0 325 0 19

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