Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 19-Jan-2025 12:50:15 PM 
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R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2019-2020

S.No District No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Total Persondays Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 AMBALA 29326 41209 223 333 947 1599 15398 0 13922 29320 4328 5716 4318 5706 3739 4858 135627 135627 0 89 0 2
2 BHIWANI 69793 141459 156 502 1105 2382 28823 0 40969 69792 17354 25125 17334 25099 12910 17631 342472 342472 0 72 0 8
3 CHARKI DADRI 22829 42022 28 49 385 589 8567 0 14262 22829 2650 3648 2649 3647 2159 2922 48422 48422 0 1 0 1
4 FARIDABAD 3977 4234 77 78 354 384 1369 0 2608 3977 947 1022 947 1022 942 1017 39802 39802 0 124 0 0
5 FATEHABAD 57500 119015 889 3608 3153 7602 35381 0 22119 57500 41881 74447 41875 74441 37504 62401 1336612 1336612 0 618 0 88
6 GURUGRAM 10513 14097 11 17 382 446 5290 0 5223 10513 1314 1483 1314 1483 1296 1461 67867 67867 0 165 0 0
7 HISAR 95518 196196 168 948 2139 5019 45430 0 50087 95517 36846 60129 36828 60085 29730 45258 838964 838964 0 219 0 39
8 JHAJJAR 49685 87184 47 158 877 1620 18878 0 30807 49685 3894 5440 3894 5440 3555 4808 135540 135540 0 15 0 1
9 JIND 56972 115090 238 932 3508 7909 26671 0 30298 56969 27769 40316 27768 40316 23008 31438 728166 728166 0 233 0 40
10 KAITHAL 44869 88413 186 672 3964 8849 21411 0 23455 44866 15778 23868 15589 23638 13405 19172 418118 418118 0 77 0 95
11 KARNAL 71424 133349 182 634 3795 7667 35869 0 35555 71424 28333 40711 28331 40708 26397 37158 979855 979855 0 561 0 33
12 KURUKSHETRA 46991 94501 304 823 2509 4736 15450 0 31540 46990 9052 13504 8908 13286 7669 10925 188800 188800 0 24 0 14
13 MAHENDRAGARH 48166 66539 149 224 1118 1623 10373 0 37792 48165 7792 10083 7783 10073 6395 8086 313936 313936 0 158 0 9
14 MEWAT 86536 125637 1526 2940 23653 26753 4191 1 82329 86521 33692 40580 33628 40500 29009 34332 1567187 1567187 0 992 0 96
15 PALWAL 24350 34617 227 384 3009 4158 5163 0 19152 24315 4924 6612 4904 6587 4240 5591 231686 231686 0 125 0 2
16 PANCHKULA 12965 19403 111 254 564 1020 2879 0 10086 12965 3954 4982 3953 4981 3555 4448 134188 134188 0 158 0 1
17 PANIPAT 28100 52080 83 321 1835 2979 12887 0 15213 28100 7336 10933 7336 10933 6889 10033 292790 292790 0 378 0 7
18 REWARI 34075 68245 4 21 575 874 17001 0 17074 34075 1680 2397 1677 2394 1416 1952 45506 45506 0 31 0 0
19 ROHTAK 25381 45217 102 253 1299 2421 12455 0 12926 25381 7391 10648 7389 10646 6720 9510 297287 297287 0 511 0 6
20 SIRSA 109489 233967 122 500 1264 2990 58955 0 50534 109489 40653 62088 40589 62011 27623 38034 568146 568146 0 60 0 60
21 SONIPAT 27660 42336 127 244 1532 2259 11672 1 15972 27645 5069 6614 5042 6581 4042 5154 160192 160192 0 123 0 10
22 YAMUNANAGAR 35885 59637 123 386 1096 2125 14932 0 20952 35884 6708 9737 6693 9706 5590 7830 248183 248183 0 97 0 2
Total 992004 1824447 5083 14281 59063 96004 409045 2 582875 991922 309345 460083 308749 459283 257793 364019 9119346 9119346 0 4831 0 514

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