
Job card
Job card No.: JH-19-003-007-004/549 Family Id: 549
Name of Head of Household: Basanti Devi
Name of Father/Husband: Bahadur Mahto
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 4/1/2013
Block: Birni
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 549
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Basanti Devi Male 40 BANK OF INDIA
2 Hazwa Devi Female 35
3 Yashoda Devi Female 30
4 Hazwa Devi. Female 50

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 79047 Basanti Devi 12/04/2019~~25/04/2019~~14 12
2 146552 26/04/2019~~02/05/2019~~7 6
3 386535 11/06/2019~~24/06/2019~~14 12
4 434797 25/06/2019~~28/06/2019~~4 4
5 477734 06/07/2019~~12/07/2019~~7 6
6 495465 13/07/2019~~19/07/2019~~7 6
7 512737 20/07/2019~~26/07/2019~~7 6
8 597133 21/08/2019~~27/08/2019~~7 6
9 886847 10/12/2019~~16/12/2019~~7 6
10 974667 11/01/2020~~17/01/2020~~7 6
11 1100045 20/02/2020~~26/02/2020~~7 6
12 1141533 04/03/2020~~10/03/2020~~7 6
13 1182705 19/03/2020~~25/03/2020~~7 6
14 840992 20/09/2020~~26/09/2020~~7 6
15 988737 03/10/2020~~16/10/2020~~14 12
16 1187218 17/10/2020~~23/10/2020~~7 6
17 1505879 17/11/2020~~23/11/2020~~7 6
18 1555350 24/11/2020~~30/11/2020~~7 6
19 1776836 17/12/2020~~23/12/2020~~7 6
20 2325476 06/03/2021~~12/03/2021~~7 6
21 2380742 13/03/2021~~19/03/2021~~7 6
22 2464613 26/03/2021~~30/03/2021~~5 5
23 39149 04/04/2021~~10/04/2021~~7 6
24 1004272 26/08/2021~~01/09/2021~~7 6
25 1070512 08/09/2021~~14/09/2021~~7 6
26 1114811 15/09/2021~~21/09/2021~~7 6
27 1161285 22/09/2021~~28/09/2021~~7 6
28 1734522 29/12/2021~~04/01/2022~~7 6
29 1790762 08/01/2022~~14/01/2022~~7 6
30 1967441 15/02/2022~~21/02/2022~~7 6
31 450491 12/08/2022~~18/08/2022~~7 6

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 79047 Basanti Devi 12/04/2019~~25/04/2019~~14 12 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
2 146552 26/04/2019~~02/05/2019~~7 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
3 386535 11/06/2019~~24/06/2019~~14 12 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
4 434797 25/06/2019~~28/06/2019~~4 4 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
5 477734 06/07/2019~~12/07/2019~~7 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
6 495465 13/07/2019~~19/07/2019~~7 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
7 512737 20/07/2019~~26/07/2019~~7 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
8 597133 21/08/2019~~27/08/2019~~7 6 Gurha me Bhaluwahitand me TCB nirman (3419003007/WC/7080901268019)
9 886847 10/12/2019~~16/12/2019~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1539152 (3419003007/IF/IAY/725587)
10 974667 11/01/2020~~17/01/2020~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1539152 (3419003007/IF/IAY/725587)
11 1100045 20/02/2020~~26/02/2020~~7 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037)
12 1141533 04/03/2020~~10/03/2020~~7 6 Gurha me Bhaluwahitand me TCB nirman (3419003007/WC/7080901268019)
13 1182705 19/03/2020~~25/03/2020~~7 6 Gurha me Bhaluwahitand me TCB nirman (3419003007/WC/7080901268019)
14 840992 20/09/2020~~26/09/2020~~7 6 Arjun Yadav ke jamin pr 60X60X10 ka dobha nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901402770)
15 988737 03/10/2020~~16/10/2020~~14 12 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
16 1187218 17/10/2020~~23/10/2020~~7 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
17 1505879 17/11/2020~~23/11/2020~~7 6 Arjun Yadav ke jamin pr 60X60X10 ka dobha nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901402770)
18 1555350 24/11/2020~~30/11/2020~~7 6 Arjun Yadav ke jamin pr 60X60X10 ka dobha nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901402770)
19 1776836 17/12/2020~~23/12/2020~~7 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
20 2325476 06/03/2021~~12/03/2021~~7 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
21 2380742 13/03/2021~~19/03/2021~~7 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
22 2464613 26/03/2021~~30/03/2021~~5 5 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
23 39149 04/04/2021~~10/04/2021~~7 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549)
24 1004272 26/08/2021~~01/09/2021~~7 6 devanti devi ke jamin per TCB Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901704466)
25 1070512 08/09/2021~~14/09/2021~~7 6 devanti devi ke jamin per TCB Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901704466)
26 1114811 15/09/2021~~21/09/2021~~7 6 Gram gurha me dropati devi ke jamin per tcb nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901751585)
27 1161285 22/09/2021~~28/09/2021~~7 6 Gram gurha me dropati devi ke jamin per tcb nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901751585)
28 1734522 29/12/2021~~04/01/2022~~7 6 Basudev yadav khet se chhotelal yadav khet tak Nala Jirnodhar (3419003007/IC/7080901192202)
29 1790762 08/01/2022~~14/01/2022~~7 6 Basudev yadav khet se chhotelal yadav khet tak Nala Jirnodhar (3419003007/IC/7080901192202)
30 1967441 15/02/2022~~21/02/2022~~7 6 gurha me surendra yadav khet ke bagal se shyamlal Mahto khet tak Nalal Jirnodhar (3419003007/IC/7080901192115)
31 450491 12/08/2022~~18/08/2022~~7 6 GURHA ME LEKHO MAHTO KE JAMIN PER TALAB (3419003007/IF/7080902205465)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Basanti Devi 12/04/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 872 1026 0
2 Basanti Devi 19/04/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 877 1026 0
3 Basanti Devi 26/04/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 1610 1026 0
4 Basanti Devi 10/06/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 4214 1026 0
5 Basanti Devi 22/06/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 4867 1026 0
6 Basanti Devi 06/07/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 5509 1026 0
7 Basanti Devi 13/07/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 5800 1026 0
8 Basanti Devi 19/07/2019 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 6058 1026 0
9 Basanti Devi 21/08/2019 6 Gurha me Bhaluwahitand me TCB nirman (3419003007/WC/7080901268019) 7202 1026 0
10 Basanti Devi 09/12/2019 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1539152 (3419003007/IF/IAY/725587) 11520 1026 0
11 Basanti Devi 11/01/2020 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1539152 (3419003007/IF/IAY/725587) 12801 1026 0
12 Basanti Devi 20/02/2020 6 Harihar yadav mil ghr se school hote huwe dudhiyano path tk mitti moram path nirman (3419003007/RC/9931661037) 14171 1026 0
13 Basanti Devi 04/03/2020 6 Gurha me Bhaluwahitand me TCB nirman (3419003007/WC/7080901268019) 14728 1026 0
Sub Total FY 1920 78 13338 0
14 Basanti Devi 20/09/2020 6 Arjun Yadav ke jamin pr 60X60X10 ka dobha nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901402770) 11977 1164 0
15 Basanti Devi 03/10/2020 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549) 13943 1164 0
16 Basanti Devi 10/10/2020 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549) 13960 1164 0
17 Basanti Devi 17/10/2020 6 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549) 16236 1164 0
18 Basanti Devi 17/11/2020 6 Arjun Yadav ke jamin pr 60X60X10 ka dobha nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901402770) 19054 1164 0
19 Basanti Devi 24/11/2020 6 Arjun Yadav ke jamin pr 60X60X10 ka dobha nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901402770) 19594 1164 0
20 Basanti Devi 13/03/2021 5 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549) 29343 970 0
21 Basanti Devi 26/03/2021 5 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549) 30101 970 0
Sub Total FY 2021 46 8924 0
22 Basanti Devi 04/04/2021 5 Ashok prasad Verma ke jamin par Talab Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901368549) 573 1125 0
23 Basanti Devi 24/08/2021 5 devanti devi ke jamin per TCB Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901704466) 9599 1125 0
24 Basanti Devi 08/09/2021 6 devanti devi ke jamin per TCB Nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901704466) 10399 1350 0
25 Basanti Devi 15/09/2021 6 Gram gurha me dropati devi ke jamin per tcb nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901751585) 11046 1350 0
26 Basanti Devi 22/09/2021 6 Gram gurha me dropati devi ke jamin per tcb nirman (3419003007/IF/7080901751585) 11803 1350 0
27 Basanti Devi 29/12/2021 6 Basudev yadav khet se chhotelal yadav khet tak Nala Jirnodhar (3419003007/IC/7080901192202) 19896 1350 0
28 Basanti Devi 08/01/2022 6 Basudev yadav khet se chhotelal yadav khet tak Nala Jirnodhar (3419003007/IC/7080901192202) 20630 1350 0
29 Basanti Devi 15/02/2022 6 gurha me surendra yadav khet ke bagal se shyamlal Mahto khet tak Nalal Jirnodhar (3419003007/IC/7080901192115) 23381 1350 0
Sub Total FY 2122 46 10350 0
30 Basanti Devi 12/08/2022 6 GURHA ME LEKHO MAHTO KE JAMIN PER TALAB (3419003007/IF/7080902205465) 7273 1422 0
Sub Total FY 2223 6 1422 0