
Job card
Job card No.: JH-19-008-020-002/28 Family Id: 28
Name of Head of Household: Baldeo Rai
Name of Father/Husband: Late Bodhi Rai
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 2/8/2006
Address: NA
Block: Jamua
Whether BPL Family: YES BPL Family No.: 11661
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Baldeo Rai Male 35 BANK OF INDIA
2 Kaushalya Devi Female 30 BANK OF INDIA
3 Mo. Girja Devi Female 37 BANK OF INDIA
4 devanand rai Male 29
5 MAMATA DEVI Female 22
6 Pappu Rai Male 28

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 1554457 Baldeo Rai 26/11/2021~~02/12/2021~~7 6
2 1554458 Kaushalya Devi 26/11/2021~~02/12/2021~~7 6
3 1779916 Baldeo Rai 23/03/2023~~29/03/2023~~7 6
4 1779917 Kaushalya Devi 23/03/2023~~29/03/2023~~7 6
5 9781 Baldeo Rai 03/04/2023~~09/04/2023~~7 6
6 9782 Kaushalya Devi 03/04/2023~~09/04/2023~~7 6
7 534435 Baldeo Rai 20/06/2024~~26/06/2024~~7 7
8 534436 Kaushalya Devi 20/06/2024~~26/06/2024~~7 7
9 604771 Baldeo Rai 04/07/2024~~10/07/2024~~7 7
10 604772 Kaushalya Devi 04/07/2024~~10/07/2024~~7 7
11 643331 Baldeo Rai 11/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~7 7
12 643332 Kaushalya Devi 11/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~7 7

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 1554457 Baldeo Rai 26/11/2021~~02/12/2021~~7 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846)
2 1554458 Kaushalya Devi 26/11/2021~~02/12/2021~~7 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846)
3 1779916 Baldeo Rai 23/03/2023~~29/03/2023~~7 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846)
4 1779917 Kaushalya Devi 23/03/2023~~29/03/2023~~7 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846)
5 9781 Baldeo Rai 03/04/2023~~09/04/2023~~7 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846)
6 9782 Kaushalya Devi 03/04/2023~~09/04/2023~~7 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846)
7 534435 Baldeo Rai 20/06/2024~~26/06/2024~~7 7 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925)
8 534436 Kaushalya Devi 20/06/2024~~26/06/2024~~7 7 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925)
9 604771 Baldeo Rai 04/07/2024~~10/07/2024~~7 7 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925)
10 604772 Kaushalya Devi 04/07/2024~~10/07/2024~~7 7 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925)
11 643331 Baldeo Rai 11/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~7 7 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925)
12 643332 Kaushalya Devi 11/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~7 7 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Baldeo Rai 26/11/2021 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846) 24193 1350 0
2 Kaushalya Devi 26/11/2021 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846) 24193 1350 0
Sub Total FY 2122 12 2700 0
3 Baldeo Rai 23/03/2023 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846) 41866 1422 0
4 Kaushalya Devi 23/03/2023 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846) 41866 1422 0
Sub Total FY 2223 12 2844 0
5 Baldeo Rai 03/04/2023 6 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846) 388 1530 0
6 Kaushalya Devi 03/04/2023 4 Koushalya Devi Ke Jamin par Cow Shed Nirman (3419008020/IF/7080901983846) 388 1020 0
Sub Total FY 2324 10 2550 0
7 Baldeo Rai 20/06/2024 6 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925) 10484 1632 0
8 Kaushalya Devi 20/06/2024 6 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925) 10484 1632 0
9 Baldeo Rai 04/07/2024 6 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925) 12237 1632 0
10 Kaushalya Devi 04/07/2024 6 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925) 12237 1632 0
11 Baldeo Rai 11/07/2024 6 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925) 13320 1632 0
12 Kaushalya Devi 11/07/2024 6 KOUSHLYA DEVI W/O BALDEV RAI KA ABUA AWASH GRAM KHAIRABAD (3419008020/IF/7080903351925) 13320 1632 0
Sub Total FY 2425 36 9792 0