
Job card
Job card No.: JH-20-002-006-001/1157 Family Id: 1157
Name of Head of Household: BIKASH BAGTI
Name of Father/Husband: JALADHAR BAGTI
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 1/5/2017
Panchayat: BANSTODA
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 1157
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 BIKASH BAGTI Male 32 State Bank of India
2 SARAWATI DEVI Female 24 State Bank of India

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 17261 BIKASH BAGTI 09/04/2019~~22/04/2019~~14 12
2 17262 SARAWATI DEVI 09/04/2019~~22/04/2019~~14 12
3 47483 BIKASH BAGTI 04/05/2019~~17/05/2019~~14 12
4 47484 SARAWATI DEVI 04/05/2019~~17/05/2019~~14 12
5 98000 BIKASH BAGTI 13/06/2019~~19/06/2019~~7 6
6 98001 SARAWATI DEVI 13/06/2019~~19/06/2019~~7 6
7 108550 BIKASH BAGTI 22/06/2019~~28/06/2019~~7 6
8 108551 SARAWATI DEVI 22/06/2019~~28/06/2019~~7 6
9 123820 BIKASH BAGTI 04/07/2019~~10/07/2019~~7 6
10 123821 SARAWATI DEVI 04/07/2019~~10/07/2019~~7 6
11 328508 BIKASH BAGTI 30/12/2019~~05/01/2020~~7 6
12 355066 21/01/2020~~27/01/2020~~7 6
13 369592 03/02/2020~~09/02/2020~~7 6
14 392480 28/02/2020~~05/03/2020~~7 6
15 398835 08/03/2020~~14/03/2020~~7 6
16 159892 17/06/2020~~23/06/2020~~7 6
17 188640 26/06/2020~~02/07/2020~~7 6
18 211304 03/07/2020~~09/07/2020~~7 6
19 393067 15/09/2020~~21/09/2020~~7 6
20 451769 29/09/2020~~05/10/2020~~7 6
21 503543 11/10/2020~~17/10/2020~~7 6
22 563559 31/10/2020~~06/11/2020~~7 6
23 708392 21/12/2020~~27/12/2020~~7 6
24 751968 06/01/2021~~12/01/2021~~7 6
25 848114 25/02/2021~~03/03/2021~~7 6
26 863688 04/03/2021~~10/03/2021~~7 6
27 881143 11/03/2021~~17/03/2021~~7 6
28 911283 24/03/2021~~30/03/2021~~7 6
29 71655 20/04/2021~~26/04/2021~~7 6
30 102060 03/05/2021~~09/05/2021~~7 6
31 202725 10/06/2021~~16/06/2021~~7 6
32 222134 18/06/2021~~24/06/2021~~7 6
33 244741 27/06/2021~~03/07/2021~~7 6
34 276663 12/07/2021~~18/07/2021~~7 6
35 442824 11/10/2021~~17/10/2021~~7 6
36 457768 20/10/2021~~26/10/2021~~7 6
37 494849 02/11/2021~~08/11/2021~~7 6
38 513174 09/11/2021~~15/11/2021~~7 6
39 562807 28/11/2021~~04/12/2021~~7 6
40 691085 29/01/2022~~04/02/2022~~7 6
41 691103 SARAWATI DEVI 29/01/2022~~04/02/2022~~7 6
42 18015 BIKASH BAGTI 08/04/2022~~14/04/2022~~7 6
43 18016 SARAWATI DEVI 08/04/2022~~14/04/2022~~7 6
44 31109 BIKASH BAGTI 15/04/2022~~21/04/2022~~7 6
45 31110 SARAWATI DEVI 15/04/2022~~21/04/2022~~7 6
46 44341 BIKASH BAGTI 22/04/2022~~28/04/2022~~7 6
47 44342 SARAWATI DEVI 22/04/2022~~28/04/2022~~7 6
48 52880 BIKASH BAGTI 29/04/2022~~05/05/2022~~7 6
49 52881 SARAWATI DEVI 29/04/2022~~05/05/2022~~7 6
50 60437 BIKASH BAGTI 06/05/2022~~12/05/2022~~7 6
51 60438 SARAWATI DEVI 06/05/2022~~12/05/2022~~7 6
52 68503 BIKASH BAGTI 13/05/2022~~19/05/2022~~7 6
53 68504 SARAWATI DEVI 13/05/2022~~19/05/2022~~7 6
54 75402 BIKASH BAGTI 20/05/2022~~26/05/2022~~7 6
55 75403 SARAWATI DEVI 20/05/2022~~26/05/2022~~7 6
56 80339 BIKASH BAGTI 27/05/2022~~02/06/2022~~7 6
57 80340 SARAWATI DEVI 27/05/2022~~02/06/2022~~7 6
58 458100 BIKASH BAGTI 24/01/2023~~27/01/2023~~4 4
59 33230 12/04/2023~~18/04/2023~~7 6
60 61274 26/04/2023~~02/05/2023~~7 6
61 78727 06/05/2023~~12/05/2023~~7 6
62 98326 15/05/2023~~21/05/2023~~7 6
63 126910 26/05/2023~~01/06/2023~~7 6
64 162776 10/06/2023~~16/06/2023~~7 6
65 190021 21/06/2023~~27/06/2023~~7 6
66 212140 29/06/2023~~05/07/2023~~7 6
67 232706 08/07/2023~~14/07/2023~~7 6
68 259502 18/07/2023~~24/07/2023~~7 6
69 275396 25/07/2023~~31/07/2023~~7 6
70 295609 02/08/2023~~08/08/2023~~7 6
71 335539 30/08/2023~~05/09/2023~~7 6
72 545491 08/01/2024~~14/01/2024~~7 6
73 559798 18/01/2024~~24/01/2024~~7 6
74 583777 05/02/2024~~11/02/2024~~7 6
75 595779 12/02/2024~~18/02/2024~~7 6
76 655501 22/03/2024~~28/03/2024~~7 7
77 7350 01/04/2024~~07/04/2024~~7 7
78 60157 26/04/2024~~02/05/2024~~7 7
79 76557 05/05/2024~~11/05/2024~~7 7
80 90549 12/05/2024~~18/05/2024~~7 7
81 104947 19/05/2024~~25/05/2024~~7 7

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 17261 BIKASH BAGTI 09/04/2019~~22/04/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184)
2 17262 SARAWATI DEVI 09/04/2019~~22/04/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184)
3 47483 BIKASH BAGTI 04/05/2019~~17/05/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184)
4 47484 SARAWATI DEVI 04/05/2019~~17/05/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184)
5 98000 BIKASH BAGTI 13/06/2019~~19/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196)
6 98001 SARAWATI DEVI 13/06/2019~~19/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196)
7 108550 BIKASH BAGTI 22/06/2019~~28/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196)
8 108551 SARAWATI DEVI 22/06/2019~~28/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196)
9 123820 BIKASH BAGTI 04/07/2019~~10/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Diwakar Mahato, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292248)
10 123821 SARAWATI DEVI 04/07/2019~~10/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Diwakar Mahato, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292248)
11 328508 BIKASH BAGTI 30/12/2019~~05/01/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Kalpana Devi W/o Madhusudan Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311150)
12 355066 21/01/2020~~27/01/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sufal Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901290881)
13 369592 03/02/2020~~09/02/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sufal Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901290881)
14 392480 28/02/2020~~05/03/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sufal Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901290881)
15 398835 08/03/2020~~14/03/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Kalpana Devi W/o Madhusudan Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311150)
16 159892 17/06/2020~~23/06/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610)
17 188640 26/06/2020~~02/07/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610)
18 211304 03/07/2020~~09/07/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610)
19 393067 15/09/2020~~21/09/2020~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1889582 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1054955)
20 451769 29/09/2020~~05/10/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610)
21 503543 11/10/2020~~17/10/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610)
22 563559 31/10/2020~~06/11/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610)
23 708392 21/12/2020~~27/12/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Satish Chandra Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292247)
24 751968 06/01/2021~~12/01/2021~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2926402 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1124296)
25 848114 25/02/2021~~03/03/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Kalpana Devi W/O Madhu Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554611)
26 863688 04/03/2021~~10/03/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Kalpana Devi W/O Madhu Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554611)
27 881143 11/03/2021~~17/03/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Kalpana Devi W/O Madhu Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554611)
28 911283 24/03/2021~~30/03/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला केशरगोड़िया में सुफल बागती के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080901584915)
29 71655 20/04/2021~~26/04/2021~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2926402 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1124296)
30 102060 03/05/2021~~09/05/2021~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2926402 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1124296)
31 202725 10/06/2021~~16/06/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला केशरगोड़िया में सुफल बागती के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080901584915)
32 222134 18/06/2021~~24/06/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mihir Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497785)
33 244741 27/06/2021~~03/07/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mihir Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497785)
34 276663 12/07/2021~~18/07/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला केशरगोड़िया में सुफल बागती के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080901584915)
35 442824 11/10/2021~~17/10/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sultan Ansari, s/o Sugali Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901318311)
36 457768 20/10/2021~~26/10/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sultan Ansari, s/o Sugali Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901318311)
37 494849 02/11/2021~~08/11/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Babulal Gope at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497772)
38 513174 09/11/2021~~15/11/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Vivek Ray at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497800)
39 562807 28/11/2021~~04/12/2021~~7 6 अचिन बागती के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण पंचायत - बॉसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080902009755)
40 691085 29/01/2022~~04/02/2022~~7 6 अचिन बागती के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण पंचायत - बॉसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080902009755)
41 691103 SARAWATI DEVI 29/01/2022~~04/02/2022~~7 6 अचिन बागती के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण पंचायत - बॉसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080902009755)
42 18015 BIKASH BAGTI 08/04/2022~~14/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
43 18016 SARAWATI DEVI 08/04/2022~~14/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
44 31109 BIKASH BAGTI 15/04/2022~~21/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
45 31110 SARAWATI DEVI 15/04/2022~~21/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
46 44341 BIKASH BAGTI 22/04/2022~~28/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
47 44342 SARAWATI DEVI 22/04/2022~~28/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
48 52880 BIKASH BAGTI 29/04/2022~~05/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
49 52881 SARAWATI DEVI 29/04/2022~~05/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
50 60437 BIKASH BAGTI 06/05/2022~~12/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
51 60438 SARAWATI DEVI 06/05/2022~~12/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
52 68503 BIKASH BAGTI 13/05/2022~~19/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
53 68504 SARAWATI DEVI 13/05/2022~~19/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
54 75402 BIKASH BAGTI 20/05/2022~~26/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
55 75403 SARAWATI DEVI 20/05/2022~~26/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
56 80339 BIKASH BAGTI 27/05/2022~~02/06/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
57 80340 SARAWATI DEVI 27/05/2022~~02/06/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952)
58 458100 BIKASH BAGTI 24/01/2023~~27/01/2023~~4 4 सुफल बागती के जमीन पर बिरसा मुण्डा आमबागवानी १/२ एकड़, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902249661)
59 33230 12/04/2023~~18/04/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
60 61274 26/04/2023~~02/05/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
61 78727 06/05/2023~~12/05/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
62 98326 15/05/2023~~21/05/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
63 126910 26/05/2023~~01/06/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
64 162776 10/06/2023~~16/06/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
65 190021 21/06/2023~~27/06/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
66 212140 29/06/2023~~05/07/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
67 232706 08/07/2023~~14/07/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
68 259502 18/07/2023~~24/07/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
69 275396 25/07/2023~~31/07/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
70 295609 02/08/2023~~08/08/2023~~7 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
71 335539 30/08/2023~~05/09/2023~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2195388 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1120487)
72 545491 08/01/2024~~14/01/2024~~7 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
73 559798 18/01/2024~~24/01/2024~~7 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
74 583777 05/02/2024~~11/02/2024~~7 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
75 595779 12/02/2024~~18/02/2024~~7 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
76 655501 22/03/2024~~28/03/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
77 7350 01/04/2024~~07/04/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
78 60157 26/04/2024~~02/05/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
79 76557 05/05/2024~~11/05/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
80 90549 12/05/2024~~18/05/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)
81 104947 19/05/2024~~25/05/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 BIKASH BAGTI 09/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 798 1026 0
2 SARAWATI DEVI 09/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 798 1026 0
3 BIKASH BAGTI 16/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 800 1026 0
4 SARAWATI DEVI 16/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 800 1026 0
5 BIKASH BAGTI 11/05/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 2241 1026 0
6 SARAWATI DEVI 11/05/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 2241 1026 0
7 BIKASH BAGTI 13/06/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196) 4406 1026 0
8 SARAWATI DEVI 13/06/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196) 4406 1026 0
9 BIKASH BAGTI 22/06/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196) 4840 1026 0
10 SARAWATI DEVI 22/06/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashtami Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295196) 4840 1026 0
11 BIKASH BAGTI 04/07/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Diwakar Mahato, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292248) 5635 1026 0
12 SARAWATI DEVI 04/07/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Diwakar Mahato, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292248) 5635 1026 0
13 BIKASH BAGTI 30/12/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Kalpana Devi W/o Madhusudan Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311150) 17622 1026 0
14 BIKASH BAGTI 21/01/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sufal Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901290881) 19879 1026 0
15 BIKASH BAGTI 28/02/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sufal Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901290881) 22936 1026 0
16 BIKASH BAGTI 08/03/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Kalpana Devi W/o Madhusudan Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311150) 23760 1026 0
Sub Total FY 1920 96 16416 0
17 BIKASH BAGTI 17/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610) 7313 1164 0
18 BIKASH BAGTI 26/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610) 8314 1164 0
19 BIKASH BAGTI 03/07/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610) 8814 1164 0
20 BIKASH BAGTI 15/09/2020 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1889582 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1054955) 16216 1164 0
21 BIKASH BAGTI 29/09/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610) 18956 1164 0
22 BIKASH BAGTI 31/10/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sufal Bagti at Natundih (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901411610) 23392 1164 0
23 BIKASH BAGTI 21/12/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Satish Chandra Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292247) 30887 1164 0
24 BIKASH BAGTI 06/01/2021 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2926402 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1124296) 32635 1164 0
25 BIKASH BAGTI 25/02/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Kalpana Devi W/O Madhu Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554611) 37563 1164 0
26 BIKASH BAGTI 04/03/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Kalpana Devi W/O Madhu Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554611) 38117 1164 0
27 BIKASH BAGTI 11/03/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Kalpana Devi W/O Madhu Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554611) 38555 1164 0
28 BIKASH BAGTI 24/03/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला केशरगोड़िया में सुफल बागती के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080901584915) 39477 1164 0
Sub Total FY 2021 72 13968 0
29 BIKASH BAGTI 20/04/2021 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2926402 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1124296) 2939 1350 0
30 BIKASH BAGTI 03/05/2021 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2926402 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1124296) 4273 1350 0
31 BIKASH BAGTI 10/06/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला केशरगोड़िया में सुफल बागती के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080901584915) 10248 1350 0
32 BIKASH BAGTI 18/06/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mihir Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497785) 11144 1350 0
33 BIKASH BAGTI 27/06/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mihir Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497785) 12374 1350 0
34 BIKASH BAGTI 12/07/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला केशरगोड़िया में सुफल बागती के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080901584915) 14131 1350 0
35 BIKASH BAGTI 12/10/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sultan Ansari, s/o Sugali Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901318311) 26771 1350 0
36 BIKASH BAGTI 20/10/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sultan Ansari, s/o Sugali Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901318311) 28148 1350 0
37 BIKASH BAGTI 02/11/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Babulal Gope at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497772) 31762 1350 0
38 BIKASH BAGTI 09/11/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Vivek Ray at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901497800) 33387 1350 0
39 BIKASH BAGTI 28/11/2021 6 अचिन बागती के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण पंचायत - बॉसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080902009755) 39131 1350 0
40 BIKASH BAGTI 29/01/2022 6 अचिन बागती के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण पंचायत - बॉसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080902009755) 49668 1350 0
41 SARAWATI DEVI 29/01/2022 6 अचिन बागती के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण पंचायत - बॉसतोड़ा (3420002006/IF/7080902009755) 49668 1350 0
Sub Total FY 2122 78 17550 0
42 BIKASH BAGTI 08/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 1201 1350 0
43 SARAWATI DEVI 08/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 1201 1350 0
44 BIKASH BAGTI 15/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 1975 1350 0
45 SARAWATI DEVI 15/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 1975 1350 0
46 BIKASH BAGTI 22/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 2915 1350 0
47 SARAWATI DEVI 22/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 2915 1350 0
48 BIKASH BAGTI 29/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 3934 1350 0
49 SARAWATI DEVI 29/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 3934 1350 0
50 BIKASH BAGTI 06/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 4372 1350 0
51 SARAWATI DEVI 06/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 4372 1350 0
52 BIKASH BAGTI 13/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 4955 1350 0
53 SARAWATI DEVI 13/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 4955 1350 0
54 BIKASH BAGTI 20/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 5408 1350 0
55 SARAWATI DEVI 20/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 5408 1350 0
56 BIKASH BAGTI 27/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 5650 1350 0
57 SARAWATI DEVI 27/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Nimay Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081952) 5650 1350 0
Sub Total FY 2223 96 21600 0
58 BIKASH BAGTI 12/04/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 1414 1530 0
59 BIKASH BAGTI 26/04/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 2471 1530 0
60 BIKASH BAGTI 06/05/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 3026 1530 0
61 BIKASH BAGTI 15/05/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 3715 1530 0
62 BIKASH BAGTI 26/05/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 5049 1530 0
63 BIKASH BAGTI 10/06/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 6761 1530 0
64 BIKASH BAGTI 21/06/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 7936 1530 0
65 BIKASH BAGTI 29/06/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 8626 1530 0
66 BIKASH BAGTI 08/07/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 9634 1530 0
67 BIKASH BAGTI 18/07/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 10637 1530 0
68 BIKASH BAGTI 25/07/2023 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 11252 1530 0
69 BIKASH BAGTI 30/08/2023 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2195388 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1120487) 14191 1530 0
70 BIKASH BAGTI 08/01/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 25915 1530 0
71 BIKASH BAGTI 18/01/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 26473 1530 0
72 BIKASH BAGTI 05/02/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 27737 1530 0
73 BIKASH BAGTI 22/03/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 31965 1530 0
Sub Total FY 2324 96 24480 0
74 BIKASH BAGTI 01/04/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 58 1632 0
75 BIKASH BAGTI 26/04/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 1909 1632 0
76 BIKASH BAGTI 05/05/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 2442 1632 0
77 BIKASH BAGTI 12/05/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 2715 1632 0
78 BIKASH BAGTI 19/05/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Sukumal Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903117125) 3408 1632 0
Sub Total FY 2425 30 8160 0