
Job card
Job card No.: JH-20-002-006-001/1282 Family Id: 1282
Name of Head of Household: Jahid Ansari
Name of Father/Husband: Jainul Ansari
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 3/3/2019
Panchayat: BANSTODA
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 1282
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Jahid Ansari Male 25 State Bank of India

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 2566 Jahid Ansari 01/04/2019~~14/04/2019~~14 12
2 26616 16/04/2019~~29/04/2019~~14 12
3 44733 02/05/2019~~15/05/2019~~14 12
4 57963 16/05/2019~~22/05/2019~~7 6
5 70489 25/05/2019~~31/05/2019~~7 6
6 80727 01/06/2019~~07/06/2019~~7 6
7 111763 24/06/2019~~30/06/2019~~7 6
8 120544 01/07/2019~~07/07/2019~~7 6
9 129409 10/07/2019~~16/07/2019~~7 6
10 261126 31/10/2019~~06/11/2019~~7 6
11 269206 07/11/2019~~13/11/2019~~7 6
12 278627 14/11/2019~~20/11/2019~~7 6
13 288707 21/11/2019~~27/11/2019~~7 6
14 308124 09/12/2019~~15/12/2019~~7 6
15 317033 19/12/2019~~25/12/2019~~7 6
16 327960 30/12/2019~~05/01/2020~~7 6
17 121715 06/06/2020~~12/06/2020~~7 6
18 166135 20/06/2020~~26/06/2020~~7 6
19 187845 27/06/2020~~03/07/2020~~7 6
20 231767 08/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~7 6
21 503558 11/10/2020~~17/10/2020~~7 6
22 536836 22/10/2020~~28/10/2020~~7 6
23 556074 29/10/2020~~04/11/2020~~7 6
24 586227 09/11/2020~~15/11/2020~~7 6
25 602324 16/11/2020~~22/11/2020~~7 6
26 630951 24/11/2020~~30/11/2020~~7 6
27 651630 01/12/2020~~07/12/2020~~7 6
28 686087 13/12/2020~~19/12/2020~~7 6
29 751951 06/01/2021~~12/01/2021~~7 6
30 765770 13/01/2021~~19/01/2021~~7 6
31 781179 20/01/2021~~26/01/2021~~7 6
32 794673 27/01/2021~~02/02/2021~~7 6
33 810060 04/02/2021~~10/02/2021~~7 6
34 2765 01/04/2021~~07/04/2021~~7 6
35 31281 08/04/2021~~14/04/2021~~7 6
36 61023 18/04/2021~~24/04/2021~~7 6
37 98165 01/05/2021~~07/05/2021~~7 6
38 118203 09/05/2021~~15/05/2021~~7 6
39 135897 17/05/2021~~23/05/2021~~7 6
40 180492 02/06/2021~~08/06/2021~~7 6
41 430137 06/10/2021~~12/10/2021~~7 6
42 444516 13/10/2021~~19/10/2021~~7 6
43 457711 20/10/2021~~26/10/2021~~7 6
44 480031 28/10/2021~~03/11/2021~~7 6
45 505648 07/11/2021~~13/11/2021~~7 6
46 17743 08/04/2022~~14/04/2022~~7 6
47 31157 15/04/2022~~21/04/2022~~7 6
48 44372 22/04/2022~~28/04/2022~~7 6
49 52957 29/04/2022~~05/05/2022~~7 6
50 60470 06/05/2022~~12/05/2022~~7 6
51 68448 13/05/2022~~19/05/2022~~7 6
52 75362 20/05/2022~~26/05/2022~~7 6
53 166455 20/07/2022~~26/07/2022~~7 6
54 178032 27/07/2022~~02/08/2022~~7 6
55 189977 03/08/2022~~09/08/2022~~7 6
56 514617 24/02/2023~~09/03/2023~~14 12
57 544403 10/03/2023~~23/03/2023~~14 12
58 604829 26/03/2023~~31/03/2023~~6 6
59 435445 02/11/2023~~15/11/2023~~14 12
60 614667 26/02/2024~~10/03/2024~~14 14
61 637851 11/03/2024~~24/03/2024~~14 14
62 659624 26/03/2024~~31/03/2024~~6 6
63 134329 01/06/2024~~07/06/2024~~7 7
64 155256 10/06/2024~~16/06/2024~~7 7
65 178944 19/06/2024~~25/06/2024~~7 7
66 228259 11/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~7 7
67 254267 15/10/2024~~28/10/2024~~14 14
68 297915 04/11/2024~~10/11/2024~~7 7
69 312124 12/11/2024~~18/11/2024~~7 7
70 345386 02/12/2024~~08/12/2024~~7 7
71 384633 20/12/2024~~26/12/2024~~7 7
72 405430 29/12/2024~~04/01/2025~~7 7
73 423230 08/01/2025~~14/01/2025~~7 7
74 467365 25/01/2025~~31/01/2025~~7 7
75 498963 08/02/2025~~14/02/2025~~7 7

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 2566 Jahid Ansari 01/04/2019~~14/04/2019~~14 12 Cons of Dobha at land of Mazil Kazi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901250074)
2 26616 16/04/2019~~29/04/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Aabul Husen, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293742)
3 44733 02/05/2019~~15/05/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614)
4 57963 16/05/2019~~22/05/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614)
5 70489 25/05/2019~~31/05/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614)
6 80727 01/06/2019~~07/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614)
7 111763 24/06/2019~~30/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897)
8 120544 01/07/2019~~07/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897)
9 129409 10/07/2019~~16/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663)
10 261126 31/10/2019~~06/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashok Kumar Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293721)
11 269206 07/11/2019~~13/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Rahim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296613)
12 278627 14/11/2019~~20/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Rahim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296613)
13 288707 21/11/2019~~27/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Rahim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296613)
14 308124 09/12/2019~~15/12/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Ajaj Ansari, Jagat Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311145)
15 317033 19/12/2019~~25/12/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Ajaj Ansari, Jagat Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311145)
16 327960 30/12/2019~~05/01/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148)
17 121715 06/06/2020~~12/06/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
18 166135 20/06/2020~~26/06/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
19 187845 27/06/2020~~03/07/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
20 231767 08/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
21 503558 11/10/2020~~17/10/2020~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2013225 (3420002030/IF/IAY/898538)
22 536836 22/10/2020~~28/10/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
23 556074 29/10/2020~~04/11/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
24 586227 09/11/2020~~15/11/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
25 602324 16/11/2020~~22/11/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
26 630951 24/11/2020~~30/11/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
27 651630 01/12/2020~~07/12/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
28 686087 13/12/2020~~19/12/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169)
29 751951 06/01/2021~~12/01/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696)
30 765770 13/01/2021~~19/01/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696)
31 781179 20/01/2021~~26/01/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696)
32 794673 27/01/2021~~02/02/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Wasid Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497687)
33 810060 04/02/2021~~10/02/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696)
34 2765 01/04/2021~~07/04/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
35 31281 08/04/2021~~14/04/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
36 61023 18/04/2021~~24/04/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
37 98165 01/05/2021~~07/05/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
38 118203 09/05/2021~~15/05/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
39 135897 17/05/2021~~23/05/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
40 180492 02/06/2021~~08/06/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912)
41 430137 06/10/2021~~12/10/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Mo.Teyab, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293729)
42 444516 13/10/2021~~19/10/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Mo.Teyab, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293729)
43 457711 20/10/2021~~26/10/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Mo.Teyab, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293729)
44 480031 28/10/2021~~03/11/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the land of Sarfraj Ansari at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901484409)
45 505648 07/11/2021~~13/11/2021~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha in the land of Sarfraj Ansari at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901484409)
46 17743 08/04/2022~~14/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
47 31157 15/04/2022~~21/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
48 44372 22/04/2022~~28/04/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
49 52957 29/04/2022~~05/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
50 60470 06/05/2022~~12/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
51 68448 13/05/2022~~19/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
52 75362 20/05/2022~~26/05/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
53 166455 20/07/2022~~26/07/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
54 178032 27/07/2022~~02/08/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
55 189977 03/08/2022~~09/08/2022~~7 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955)
56 514617 24/02/2023~~09/03/2023~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bablu Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295680)
57 544403 10/03/2023~~23/03/2023~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bablu Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295680)
58 604829 26/03/2023~~31/03/2023~~6 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Khuda Nawaj Ansari at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554614)
59 435445 02/11/2023~~15/11/2023~~14 12 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732)
60 614667 26/02/2024~~10/03/2024~~14 14 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732)
61 637851 11/03/2024~~24/03/2024~~14 14 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732)
62 659624 26/03/2024~~31/03/2024~~6 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993)
63 134329 01/06/2024~~07/06/2024~~7 7 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943)
64 155256 10/06/2024~~16/06/2024~~7 7 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943)
65 178944 19/06/2024~~25/06/2024~~7 7 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943)
66 228259 11/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~7 7 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943)
67 254267 15/10/2024~~28/10/2024~~14 14 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Hasan Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903068803)
68 297915 04/11/2024~~10/11/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Rahima Bibi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080903007491)
69 312124 12/11/2024~~18/11/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Rahima Bibi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080903007491)
70 345386 02/12/2024~~08/12/2024~~7 7 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Rahima Bibi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080903007491)
71 384633 20/12/2024~~26/12/2024~~7 7 ग्राम नवडीहा टोला लाहरगोड़ा में हारुण अन्सारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (नवडीहा) (3420002030/IF/7080901592964)
72 405430 29/12/2024~~04/01/2025~~7 7 ग्राम नवडीहा टोला लाहरगोड़ा में हारुण अन्सारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (नवडीहा) (3420002030/IF/7080901592964)
73 423230 08/01/2025~~14/01/2025~~7 7 ग्राम नवडीहा टोला लाहरगोड़ा में हारुण अन्सारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (नवडीहा) (3420002030/IF/7080901592964)
74 467365 25/01/2025~~31/01/2025~~7 7 राखी चक्रवर्ती के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902663201)
75 498963 08/02/2025~~14/02/2025~~7 7 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Sachin Bagti at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554603)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Jahid Ansari 01/04/2019 6 Cons of Dobha at land of Mazil Kazi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901250074) 1 1026 0
2 Jahid Ansari 08/04/2019 6 Cons of Dobha at land of Mazil Kazi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901250074) 2 1026 0
3 Jahid Ansari 16/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Aabul Husen, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293742) 1189 1026 0
4 Jahid Ansari 23/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Aabul Husen, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293742) 1191 1026 0
5 Jahid Ansari 09/05/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614) 2112 1026 0
6 Jahid Ansari 16/05/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614) 2705 1026 0
7 Jahid Ansari 01/06/2019 1 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614) 3703 171 0
8 Jahid Ansari 24/06/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897) 4942 1026 0
9 Jahid Ansari 01/07/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897) 5447 1026 0
10 Jahid Ansari 10/07/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663) 5849 1026 0
11 Jahid Ansari 31/10/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Ashok Kumar Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293721) 12732 1026 0
12 Jahid Ansari 07/11/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Rahim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296613) 13124 1026 0
13 Jahid Ansari 14/11/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Rahim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296613) 13966 1026 0
14 Jahid Ansari 21/11/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Rahim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296613) 14671 1026 0
15 Jahid Ansari 09/12/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Ajaj Ansari, Jagat Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311145) 16191 1026 0
16 Jahid Ansari 19/12/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Ajaj Ansari, Jagat Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311145) 16922 1026 0
17 Jahid Ansari 30/12/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148) 17614 1026 0
Sub Total FY 1920 97 16587 0
18 Jahid Ansari 06/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163) 6008 1164 0
19 Jahid Ansari 20/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163) 7584 1164 0
20 Jahid Ansari 27/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163) 8292 1164 0
21 Jahid Ansari 11/10/2020 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH2013225 (3420002030/IF/IAY/898538) 20789 1164 0
22 Jahid Ansari 22/10/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 22028 1164 0
23 Jahid Ansari 29/10/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 22804 1164 0
24 Jahid Ansari 09/11/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 24866 1164 0
25 Jahid Ansari 16/11/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 25376 1164 0
26 Jahid Ansari 24/11/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 26809 1164 0
27 Jahid Ansari 01/12/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 27949 1164 0
28 Jahid Ansari 13/12/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Daud Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067169) 29739 1164 0
29 Jahid Ansari 06/01/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696) 32633 1164 0
30 Jahid Ansari 13/01/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696) 33757 1164 0
31 Jahid Ansari 20/01/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696) 34246 1164 0
32 Jahid Ansari 27/01/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Wasid Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497687) 35118 1164 0
33 Jahid Ansari 04/02/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Mehndi Kazi at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901497696) 35821 1164 0
Sub Total FY 2021 96 18624 0
34 Jahid Ansari 01/04/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 19 1350 0
35 Jahid Ansari 08/04/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 1018 1350 0
36 Jahid Ansari 18/04/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 2458 1350 0
37 Jahid Ansari 01/05/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 4131 1350 0
38 Jahid Ansari 09/05/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 5379 1350 0
39 Jahid Ansari 17/05/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 6398 1350 0
40 Jahid Ansari 02/06/2021 6 ग्राम बाँसतोड़ा टोला रहीमडीह में सहाबुउद्दीन अंसारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (बाँसतोड़ा) (3420002006/IF/7080901584912) 9034 1350 0
41 Jahid Ansari 06/10/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Mo.Teyab, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293729) 25643 1350 0
42 Jahid Ansari 13/10/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Mo.Teyab, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293729) 27067 1350 0
43 Jahid Ansari 20/10/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Mo.Teyab, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901293729) 28153 1350 0
44 Jahid Ansari 28/10/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the land of Sarfraj Ansari at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901484409) 30253 1350 0
45 Jahid Ansari 07/11/2021 6 Cons. of Dobha in the land of Sarfraj Ansari at Navdiha (Navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901484409) 32903 1350 0
Sub Total FY 2122 72 16200 0
46 Jahid Ansari 08/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 1204 1350 0
47 Jahid Ansari 15/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 1977 1350 0
48 Jahid Ansari 22/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 2917 1350 0
49 Jahid Ansari 29/04/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 3932 1350 0
50 Jahid Ansari 06/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 4370 1350 0
51 Jahid Ansari 13/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 4953 1350 0
52 Jahid Ansari 20/05/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 5405 1350 0
53 Jahid Ansari 20/07/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 10779 1422 0
54 Jahid Ansari 27/07/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 11459 1422 0
55 Jahid Ansari 03/08/2022 6 Cons. of Well at land of Mo. Arif, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902081955) 12078 1422 0
56 Jahid Ansari 24/02/2023 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bablu Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295680) 34470 1422 0
57 Jahid Ansari 03/03/2023 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bablu Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295680) 34472 1422 0
58 Jahid Ansari 10/03/2023 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bablu Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295680) 37257 1422 0
59 Jahid Ansari 17/03/2023 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bablu Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295680) 37337 1422 0
60 Jahid Ansari 26/03/2023 6 Cons. of Dobha in the Land of Khuda Nawaj Ansari at Banstoda (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901554614) 43377 1422 0
Sub Total FY 2223 90 20826 0
61 Jahid Ansari 02/11/2023 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732) 20720 1530 0
62 Jahid Ansari 09/11/2023 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732) 20724 1530 0
63 Jahid Ansari 26/02/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732) 29546 1530 0
64 Jahid Ansari 04/03/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732) 29547 1530 0
65 Jahid Ansari 11/03/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732) 31096 1530 0
66 Jahid Ansari 18/03/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Taiyab Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902924732) 31181 1530 0
67 Jahid Ansari 26/03/2024 6 Cons. of Well at the land of Mamta Devi w/o-Ashok Gope, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902568993) 32131 1530 0
Sub Total FY 2324 42 10710 0
68 Jahid Ansari 01/06/2024 6 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943) 4090 1632 0
69 Jahid Ansari 10/06/2024 6 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943) 4690 1632 0
70 Jahid Ansari 19/06/2024 6 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943) 5674 1632 0
71 Jahid Ansari 11/07/2024 6 ग्राम पंचायत नवडीहा में अमहद अंसारी के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण (3420002030/IF/7080903142943) 8278 1632 0
72 Jahid Ansari 15/10/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Hasan Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903068803) 10520 1632 0
73 Jahid Ansari 22/10/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Hasan Ansari, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080903068803) 10521 1632 0
74 Jahid Ansari 04/11/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Rahima Bibi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080903007491) 13713 1632 0
75 Jahid Ansari 12/11/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Rahima Bibi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080903007491) 14747 1632 0
76 Jahid Ansari 02/12/2024 6 Cons. of Birsa Sichai Kup at the land of Rahima Bibi, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080903007491) 17201 1632 0
77 Jahid Ansari 20/12/2024 6 ग्राम नवडीहा टोला लाहरगोड़ा में हारुण अन्सारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (नवडीहा) (3420002030/IF/7080901592964) 20532 1632 0
78 Jahid Ansari 29/12/2024 6 ग्राम नवडीहा टोला लाहरगोड़ा में हारुण अन्सारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (नवडीहा) (3420002030/IF/7080901592964) 22191 1632 0
79 Jahid Ansari 08/01/2025 6 ग्राम नवडीहा टोला लाहरगोड़ा में हारुण अन्सारी के जमीन पर सिंचाई कूप निर्माण (नवडीहा) (3420002030/IF/7080901592964) 23663 1632 0
80 Jahid Ansari 25/01/2025 6 राखी चक्रवर्ती के जमीन पर बिरसा सिचाई कूप निर्माण, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080902663201) 27307 1632 0
Sub Total FY 2425 78 21216 0