
Job card
Job card No.: JH-20-002-006-001/310334 Family Id: 310334
Name of Head of Household: umapad bagti
Name of Father/Husband: saday bagti
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 2/24/2016
Panchayat: BANSTODA
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 310334
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 umapad bagti Male 27 BANK OF INDIA

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 17269 umapad bagti 09/04/2019~~22/04/2019~~14 12
2 52113 09/05/2019~~22/05/2019~~14 12
3 70501 25/05/2019~~31/05/2019~~7 6
4 80716 01/06/2019~~07/06/2019~~7 6
5 91535 09/06/2019~~15/06/2019~~7 6
6 123044 03/07/2019~~09/07/2019~~7 6
7 131571 13/07/2019~~26/07/2019~~14 12
8 210157 08/09/2019~~14/09/2019~~7 6
9 239486 10/10/2019~~16/10/2019~~7 6
10 249993 17/10/2019~~23/10/2019~~7 6
11 265007 04/11/2019~~10/11/2019~~7 6
12 287280 20/11/2019~~03/12/2019~~14 12
13 306235 06/12/2019~~12/12/2019~~7 6
14 315921 19/12/2019~~25/12/2019~~7 6
15 327993 30/12/2019~~05/01/2020~~7 6
16 342407 09/01/2020~~15/01/2020~~7 6
17 355266 21/01/2020~~27/01/2020~~7 6
18 121727 06/06/2020~~12/06/2020~~7 6
19 166134 20/06/2020~~26/06/2020~~7 6
20 187826 27/06/2020~~03/07/2020~~7 6
21 231765 08/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~7 6
22 393102 15/09/2020~~21/09/2020~~7 6
23 708396 21/12/2020~~27/12/2020~~7 6
24 537419 19/11/2021~~25/11/2021~~7 6

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 17269 umapad bagti 09/04/2019~~22/04/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184)
2 52113 09/05/2019~~22/05/2019~~14 12 उज्वल चक्रवर्ती के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(BANSTODA) (3420002006/IF/7080901249695)
3 70501 25/05/2019~~31/05/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614)
4 80716 01/06/2019~~07/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Abdul Karim, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901296614)
5 91535 09/06/2019~~15/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bhim Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901238756)
6 123044 03/07/2019~~09/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151)
7 131571 13/07/2019~~26/07/2019~~14 12 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151)
8 210157 08/09/2019~~14/09/2019~~7 6 Cons. of TCB in the land of Mukesh Mahato at Bodma ward no 08 (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901346541)
9 239486 10/10/2019~~16/10/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Amrit Mahato, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295684)
10 249993 17/10/2019~~23/10/2019~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1621825 (3420002006/IF/IAY/779543)
11 265007 04/11/2019~~10/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151)
12 287280 20/11/2019~~03/12/2019~~14 12 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bhim Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901238756)
13 306235 06/12/2019~~12/12/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bhim Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901238756)
14 315921 19/12/2019~~25/12/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bhim Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901238756)
15 327993 30/12/2019~~05/01/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148)
16 342407 09/01/2020~~15/01/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148)
17 355266 21/01/2020~~27/01/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148)
18 121727 06/06/2020~~12/06/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
19 166134 20/06/2020~~26/06/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
20 187826 27/06/2020~~03/07/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
21 231765 08/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163)
22 393102 15/09/2020~~21/09/2020~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1902787 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1052312)
23 708396 21/12/2020~~27/12/2020~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Satish Chandra Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292247)
24 537419 19/11/2021~~25/11/2021~~7 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH126162761 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1557617)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 umapad bagti 09/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 799 1026 0
2 umapad bagti 16/04/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Sukhchand Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901237184) 801 1026 0
3 umapad bagti 09/05/2019 6 उज्वल चक्रवर्ती के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(BANSTODA) (3420002006/IF/7080901249695) 2489 1026 0
4 umapad bagti 16/05/2019 6 उज्वल चक्रवर्ती के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(BANSTODA) (3420002006/IF/7080901249695) 2491 1026 0
5 umapad bagti 03/07/2019 6 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151) 5594 1026 0
6 umapad bagti 13/07/2019 6 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151) 5965 1026 0
7 umapad bagti 20/07/2019 6 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151) 5967 1026 0
8 umapad bagti 08/09/2019 6 Cons. of TCB in the land of Mukesh Mahato at Bodma ward no 08 (Banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901346541) 9734 1026 0
9 umapad bagti 11/10/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Amrit Mahato, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901295684) 11194 1026 0
10 umapad bagti 17/10/2019 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1621825 (3420002006/IF/IAY/779543) 11815 1026 0
11 umapad bagti 04/11/2019 6 Cons. Of Dobha at Land of Opeen Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901311151) 12914 1026 0
12 umapad bagti 22/11/2019 5 Cons. of Dobha at land of Bhim Bagati, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901238756) 14879 855 0
13 umapad bagti 30/12/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148) 17615 1026 0
14 umapad bagti 09/01/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148) 18593 1026 0
15 umapad bagti 21/01/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Tarik Ansari S/o Tahir, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901311148) 19882 1026 0
Sub Total FY 1920 89 15219 0
16 umapad bagti 06/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163) 6008 1164 0
17 umapad bagti 20/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163) 7585 1164 0
18 umapad bagti 27/06/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Hafij Hasan, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067163) 8293 1164 0
19 umapad bagti 15/09/2020 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH1902787 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1052312) 16218 1164 0
20 umapad bagti 21/12/2020 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Satish Chandra Bagti, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901292247) 30888 1164 0
Sub Total FY 2021 30 5820 0
21 umapad bagti 19/11/2021 6 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JH126162761 (3420002006/IF/IAY/1557617) 36450 1350 0
Sub Total FY 2122 6 1350 0