
Job card
Job card No.: JH-20-002-006-001/310350 Family Id: 310350
Name of Head of Household: AYESHA BIBI
Name of Father/Husband: HASAN ANSARI
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 1/2/2017
Panchayat: BANSTODA
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 310350
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 AYESHA BIBI Female 33 State Bank of India

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 14413 AYESHA BIBI 06/04/2019~~19/04/2019~~14 12
2 38691 27/04/2019~~08/05/2019~~12 12
3 50928 09/05/2019~~14/05/2019~~6 6
4 56345 15/05/2019~~28/05/2019~~14 12
5 111753 24/06/2019~~30/06/2019~~7 6
6 120534 01/07/2019~~07/07/2019~~7 6
7 129406 10/07/2019~~16/07/2019~~7 6
8 237806 03/10/2019~~09/10/2019~~7 6
9 240560 11/10/2019~~17/10/2019~~7 6
10 251693 18/10/2019~~24/10/2019~~7 6
11 257578 26/10/2019~~01/11/2019~~7 6
12 263410 04/11/2019~~10/11/2019~~7 6
13 273919 11/11/2019~~17/11/2019~~7 6
14 282466 18/11/2019~~24/11/2019~~7 6
15 56892 15/05/2020~~21/05/2020~~7 6
16 79057 23/05/2020~~29/05/2020~~7 6
17 187667 26/06/2020~~02/07/2020~~7 6
18 595010 09/12/2021~~15/12/2021~~7 6

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 14413 AYESHA BIBI 06/04/2019~~19/04/2019~~14 12 आकलू महतो के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294139)
2 38691 27/04/2019~~08/05/2019~~12 12 आकलू महतो के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294139)
3 50928 09/05/2019~~14/05/2019~~6 6 परकातुल्लाह अंसारी पिता रसद अंसारी के जमीन पर कूप निर्माण(navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901301845)
4 56345 15/05/2019~~28/05/2019~~14 12 मंगला देवी के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294144)
5 111753 24/06/2019~~30/06/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897)
6 120534 01/07/2019~~07/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897)
7 129406 10/07/2019~~16/07/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663)
8 237806 03/10/2019~~09/10/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897)
9 240560 11/10/2019~~17/10/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Shanti Devi, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901066747)
10 251693 18/10/2019~~24/10/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Shanti Devi, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901066747)
11 257578 26/10/2019~~01/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663)
12 263410 04/11/2019~~10/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663)
13 273919 11/11/2019~~17/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Subhash Ray, s/o Kanhai Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067160)
14 282466 18/11/2019~~24/11/2019~~7 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Subhash Ray, s/o Kanhai Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067160)
15 56892 15/05/2020~~21/05/2020~~7 6 Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JH1880232 (3420002006/IF/IAY/423245)
16 79057 23/05/2020~~29/05/2020~~7 6 Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JH1880232 (3420002006/IF/IAY/423245)
17 187667 26/06/2020~~02/07/2020~~7 6 Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JH1880232 (3420002006/IF/IAY/423245)
18 595010 09/12/2021~~15/12/2021~~7 6 ग्राम बांसतोड़ा में मजीदन बीबी के जमीन पर डोभा निर्माण (3420002006/IF/7080901566220)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 AYESHA BIBI 06/04/2019 6 आकलू महतो के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294139) 619 1026 0
2 AYESHA BIBI 13/04/2019 6 आकलू महतो के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294139) 620 1026 0
3 AYESHA BIBI 26/04/2019 6 आकलू महतो के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294139) 1892 1026 0
4 AYESHA BIBI 03/05/2019 6 आकलू महतो के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294139) 1894 1026 0
5 AYESHA BIBI 08/05/2019 6 परकातुल्लाह अंसारी पिता रसद अंसारी के जमीन पर कूप निर्माण(navdiha) (3420002030/IF/7080901301845) 2389 1026 0
6 AYESHA BIBI 15/05/2019 6 मंगला देवी के ज़मीन पर डोभा निर्माण(banstoda) (3420002006/IF/7080901294144) 2647 1026 0
7 AYESHA BIBI 24/06/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897) 4942 1026 0
8 AYESHA BIBI 01/07/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897) 5447 1026 0
9 AYESHA BIBI 10/07/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663) 5850 1026 0
10 AYESHA BIBI 03/10/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at Land of Jafir Ansari S/o & Anwar Ansari Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314897) 11040 1026 0
11 AYESHA BIBI 11/10/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Shanti Devi, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901066747) 11197 1026 0
12 AYESHA BIBI 18/10/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Shanti Devi, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901066747) 12006 1026 0
13 AYESHA BIBI 26/10/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663) 12399 1026 0
14 AYESHA BIBI 04/11/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Nasim Ansari S/o Anwar Ansari, Navdiha (3420002030/IF/7080901314663) 12813 1026 0
15 AYESHA BIBI 11/11/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Subhash Ray, s/o Kanhai Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067160) 13682 1026 0
16 AYESHA BIBI 18/11/2019 6 Cons. of Dobha at land of Subhash Ray, s/o Kanhai Ray, Banstoda (3420002006/IF/7080901067160) 14381 1026 0
Sub Total FY 1920 96 16416 0
17 AYESHA BIBI 15/05/2020 6 Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JH1880232 (3420002006/IF/IAY/423245) 3625 1164 0
18 AYESHA BIBI 23/05/2020 6 Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JH1880232 (3420002006/IF/IAY/423245) 4578 1164 0
19 AYESHA BIBI 26/06/2020 6 Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JH1880232 (3420002006/IF/IAY/423245) 8291 1164 0
Sub Total FY 2021 18 3492 0