Asset Register
Work Name
(3305009016/IF/1111653457) Gp-Tilsiva me Premchan/Basant ki bhumi par dabri nirman karya |
Nature of Work |
Work Status
Work Purpose status
Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals |
Scope of Work
Start Status |
End Status |
Not Exist |
Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals |
Sanction No. and Sanction Date
: 3305009016/2021-2022/185303/AS ,
Whether Included in Five Year Perspective Plan
: No |
Whether Work Approved in Annual Plan
: No |
Estimated Cost (In Lakhs)
Estimated Completion Time (in Months)
4 |
Expenditure Incurred (in Rs.)
Unskilled |
Semi-Skilled |
Skilled |
Material |
Contingency |
Total |
277032 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
277032 |
Employment Generated
Pesrondays |
Total No. of Persons Given Work |
Unskilled |
1316 |
285 |
Semi-Skilled |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Distinct Number of Muster Rolls used(Amount)
25254(6732),25255(5100),25256(2040),25257(4896),25258(7344), 25259(2652),26174(9384),26175(6732),26176(7956),26177(9180), 26178(8568),26700(9792),26701(9180),26702(7956),26703(11628), 26704(7752),26705(8772),26930(4896),27402(4692),27403(4692), 27404(3468),27405(3060),27406(4896),27407(3672),27408(3468), 27409(1632),27410(1020),27411(612),27412(1020),27413(1224), 27414(816),27415(816),21(1768),22(8398),23(9724), 24(11934),25(6630),26(8840),27(9282),971(5967), 972(6188),973(9945),974(12818),975(5746),976(5967), 977(7735),978(442),
Work start date |
25/02/2023 |
Photo Uploaded of Work
Before Start of Work(Work Site)
During Execution of Works
Completed Work