Asset Register
Work Name
(3305009016/IF/GIS/394318) Construction of Farm Pond for somarsay/ ramprasad, Gp- tilsiva |
Nature of Work |
Work Status
Work Purpose status
Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals |
Scope of Work
Start Status |
End Status |
Not Exist |
Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals |
Sanction No. and Sanction Date
: 3305009016/2023-2024/126382/AS ,
Whether Included in Five Year Perspective Plan
: Yes |
Whether Work Approved in Annual Plan
: Yes |
Estimated Cost (In Lakhs)
Estimated Completion Time (in Months)
6.4 |
Expenditure Incurred (in Rs.)
Unskilled |
Semi-Skilled |
Skilled |
Material |
Contingency |
Total |
278902 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
278902 |
Employment Generated
Pesrondays |
Total No. of Persons Given Work |
Unskilled |
1262 |
224 |
Semi-Skilled |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Distinct Number of Muster Rolls used(Amount)
13293(1326),13294(4641),13295(3978),13296(2652),13938(9282), 13939(10608),13940(2652),14703(11934),14704(8619),14705(10166), 15010(9282),15011(6630),15012(1326),15562(10608),15563(8619), 15564(7956),15565(5304),15566(9282),15567(7956),15568(5304), 16390(9945),16391(9945),16392(10166),16393(5304),16394(11934), 16395(7956),17178(7293),17179(10608),17180(6630),17181(4862), 18146(6630),18147(8619),18148(7072),18149(7956),18150(3315), 18875(2652),18876(4862),18877(4641),18878(7735),19018(2652),
Work start date |
21/11/2023 |
Photo Uploaded of Work
Before Start of Work(Work Site)
During Execution of Works
Completed Work