Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Thursday, March 13, 2025

Financial Performance Under MGNREGA during the Financial Year 2024-2025

State:KERALA (Rs. in Lakhs)
S.No District Opening Balance(OB) Release of
Last FY but
during the
Current FY
Release from
State Fund(*) to
Misc Reciept Total Availabilty Cumulative Expenditure %age Utilization Balance Payment due**
Entered OB Centre State Actual Expenditure Adm.Exp Total On Unskilled Wage On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage On Material Tax Total
Unskilled Wage Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage Material Tax Rec Exp Non-Rec Exp Total Adm. Exp
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 14=(4+5+6+7+8+9+10+13)-(11+12) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22=20+21 23=16+17+18+19+22 24=(23/14)*100 25=14-23 26 27 28 29 30=26+27+28+29
Phase I
1 PALAKKAD -1059.52 0 0 0 32048.53 0 30989 24539.41 1353.26 4331.53 142.28 1656.42 8.3 1664.72 32031.19 103.36 -1042.19 413.13 146.46 547.13 16.5 1123.22
2 WAYANAD -395.79 0 0 0 19217.23 0.32 18821.76 14459.69 683.22 3045.8 306.38 702.81 4.21 707.02 19202.12 102.02 -380.36 524.47 51.62 710.86 87 1373.95
PhaseI Total -1455.31 0 0 0 51265.76 0.32 49810.77 38999.1 2036.48 7377.33 448.66 2359.23 12.51 2371.74 51233.31 102.86 -1422.55 937.6 198.08 1257.99 103.5 2497.17
Phase II
3 IDUKKI -392.01 0 0 0 21560.64 0 21168.63 16996.5 457.93 2937.35 5.43 1112.01 11.53 1123.54 21520.76 101.66 -352.14 175.46 59.26 273.14 0.02 507.88
4 KASARGOD -402.35 0 0 0 19498.53 0 19096.18 14485.48 849.62 3420.58 2.45 715.76 11.61 727.38 19485.5 102.04 -389.32 267.18 60.11 429.07 0.38 756.74
PhaseII Total -794.36 0 0 0 41059.17 0 40264.81 31481.98 1307.55 6357.94 7.88 1827.77 23.14 1850.92 41006.26 101.84 -741.46 442.64 119.37 702.21 0.4 1264.62
Phase III
5 ALAPPUZHA -583.77 0 0 0 39905.31 0.31 39321.84 32824.38 661.88 5088.64 0 1242.25 10.05 1252.3 39827.2 101.29 -505.35 273.7 114.14 494.94 0 882.78
6 ERNAKULAM -721.66 0 0 0 19045.14 0 18323.48 13620.04 695.11 3433.88 6.87 1273.87 1.29 1275.16 19031.07 103.86 -707.59 73.95 84.5 580.46 1.39 740.3
7 KANNUR -713.03 0 0 0 24774.55 0.07 24061.59 18046.08 1359.11 4127.02 60.87 1150.9 13.54 1164.43 24757.52 102.89 -695.93 185.64 130.07 252.42 0.57 568.7
8 KOLLAM -891.19 0 0 0 36719.2 0 35828.01 30858.35 1013.55 3410.36 3.26 1402.03 6.04 1408.07 36693.59 102.42 -865.58 171.36 137.99 290.14 0.1 599.59
9 KOTTAYAM -453.64 0 0 0 14969.5 0.01 14515.87 10859.79 523.38 2496.82 4.76 1045.72 4.59 1050.31 14935.06 102.89 -419.19 103.98 81.68 406.06 0 591.72
10 KOZHIKODE -920.49 0 0 0 43821.71 0.02 42901.24 32985.05 2464.07 6170.37 480.05 1646.86 17.48 1664.34 43763.87 102.01 -862.63 222.85 265.24 737.93 67.07 1293.09
11 MALAPPURAM -734.88 0 0 0 25057.01 0.13 24322.25 18503.58 1011.91 3958.43 26.43 1523.02 8.01 1531.03 25031.39 102.92 -709.14 150.14 121.16 553.54 0.91 825.75
12 PATHANAMTHITTA -519.01 0 0 0 12211.32 0 11692.31 9452.99 340.32 1574.55 0 813.36 2.35 815.7 12183.56 104.2 -491.25 67.05 46.78 233.15 0.05 347.03
13 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM -654.95 0 0 0 51268.68 0 50613.73 41744.11 1615.78 6047.07 48.22 1749.09 10.99 1760.08 51215.26 101.19 -601.54 251.15 272 1116.6 9.04 1648.79
14 THRISSUR -936.66 0 0 0 20748.39 0 19811.72 14758.16 719.96 3689.56 16.71 1527.31 0.15 1527.46 20711.84 104.54 -900.11 186.35 96.88 364.1 0.82 648.15
PhaseIII Total -7129.29 0 0 0 288520.81 0.54 281392.05 223652.53 10405.09 39996.69 647.17 13374.39 74.5 13448.88 288150.35 102.4 -6758.31 1686.17 1350.44 5029.34 79.95 8145.9
All District Total -9378.96 0 0 0 380845.74 0.85 371467.63 294133.62 13749.12 53731.96 1103.7 17561.38 110.15 17671.53 380389.93 102.4 -8922.32 3066.41 1667.89 6989.54 183.85 11907.69
State Fund 2644.33 13617.6   0 20224.9 -239752.22         443.05 0 443.05 443.05   -240195.27          
Grand Total of State -6734.63 0 13617.6 0 380845.74 20225.75 131715.41 294133.62 13749.12 53731.96 1103.7 18004.43 110.15 18114.58 380832.98 288.8 -249117.59 3066.41 1667.89 6989.54 183.85 11907.69
*Status of State Fund:
                       OB of State Fund= 2644.32975
                       OB of State Fund= 2644.32975
Releases by Centre to State Fund in current FY= 302531.74774
                       Releases by State as State share against centre release in the current FY= 0
                       Misc (if any)= 20224.9
                       Total Availability at State Fund= 325400.98218
                       Refund From SEGF= 0
                       Balance of State Fund= -240195.27
                       Fund in Transit=Rs. 0
These Figures are Cumulatively Display.
Col 3: OB=CB of last FY as per MIS
Col 4: OB=OB entered manually in the MIS
** Payment due means MR,Bills/Vouchers that have been entered but payment date has not been entered in the MIS.
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